Thursday, September 17, 2009

Been awhile.....Momma's been busy...

Wow.....sure has been awhile since last I wrote! We started back to the school routine August 25th. It's kinda nice to have my days back! This is my second year without preschoolers. I think I like it. When the kids get home, I'm so excited to see them.

My support group for visually impaired people has gotten off to a good start! We met September 4th. We had 7 ladies including myself. We also had a beautiful guide dog. If my vision worsens to the point that I can't 'get around', I want a dog..... If you know me well at all, you know I LOVE dogs!

I'm really enjoying getting to know all of my new friends. So far, I'm the youngest person in our group & I seem to have the best vision. It's kind of strange to be some one's 'guide', but I am! I'm so thankful for this new mission. We all need to feel 'normal'....what's normal? Yes, I know that's what you want to know..... To me, all of you who are reading this without some kind of visual aid are normal...... Ha Ha Ha! You're so right, none of us is 'normal'.

It's been quite a journey to get where I am. When I first lost the greatest part of my vision, I thought I'd never be happy again! I had just given birth to the 3rd child in a row, & life was so stinkin' hard! I would have never imagined then, that God would put me in a place of ministry out of my pain..... Only God could take that kind of tragedy & turn it into a ministry. God is so good! Yes, it's true that some days it's really hard.... I can't pretend that I'm always ok with this place I'm in, but I do have an over all contentment. I know He's using me..... So grateful to God that I'm not in this dark, valley alone.....