Saturday, July 25, 2009

Every Third Saturday.....

Here I's that dreaded third Saturday! Why do I dread every third Saturday? My hubby woks a 24 hour shift every third day! He works in between that as well, but on the days he only works 9 hrs, he comes home at night! So, every third day, I'm on my own with the three peeps. I guess if I could drive, it probably wouldn't be quite as bad. We could go to Wal-Mart, go visit Daddy at the fire dept., or maybe go to the pool. I think being able to leave the house is a luxury most people probably take for granted. But, for a mom of three with low-vision, it's not! I'm so thankful when someone comes to rescue us! I just have to keep reminding myself today, that my hubby did take us to Wal-Mart last night & I do get to go to church tomorrow. So, maybe it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be......

Yesterday I was at home most of the day & was able to be quite productive! I polished all the wood furniture & swore if the kids dared to get my dining room table dirty again, they'd be in for it! I've started making them eat on place mats (plastic ones, that I can wipe off), so far, so good... Of course, after vacuuming the living room yesterday, I swore that no one would eat in there again. But, this morning, while I was in the kitchen, finally getting around to making my breakfast (I had to make the peeps first), I realized that my son was eating in there! Ugh! Well, at least the dining room table was still clean.

Today I'm working on a few things in the kitchen. I'm cleaning the oven (wish I had gloves for that!) & hoping to get my tupperware cabinet re-organized. I just did that!! But, when children help empty the dishwasher, things seem to get thrown in cabinets instead of carefully nested in each other....I know you fellow mommas know exactly what I'm talking about!!
Oh yeah! I also have to work on our Sunday School lesson for tomorrow! That should be fun. I'll be teaching the preschoolers about 'the Fall'. That of course is not fun! 'The fall' is so sad. I so wish we still lived in that perfect world. In that perfect world there was no such thing as low-vision. Of course, I do still grieve over the loss of my sight, but I grieve not as a person without hope. I do have hope. One day, I will see perfectly again!! My hope is in Jesus, who took my sin to the cross. I will never die, because Jesus paid the penalty for me! That just blows my mind! Why would Jesus become human, knowing what would happen? I'm just so grateful!

I hope as you read my ramblings of the day, you won't feel pity for me. I do hope this makes you aware of the handicapped people in this world & what they're dealing with behind closed doors. It's very lonely to be someone with a disability! But, I hope this blog today, gives you hope! Jesus is the reason I have hope! I'm praying the same is true for you!

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