Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Second Grade

Second grade. That's the grade my "baby" just finished. I absolutely loved having a second grader! Second graders are becoming independent, yet they still have a few of their "little kid" ways. By the end of second grade, she could make her own lunch in the morning, but still enjoyed wearing her "frilly-fru-fru" skirts!

In second grade children still have so much wonder about their world! They see people as "good" and are in disbelief when someone hurts their feelings. There's still so much in the world around them to learn about! Why are leaves green in the spring and summer? Why do those same leaves change color in the fall? Why must those pretty leaves whither and die in the winter?

Second graders still have arms, legs, and heads that are just a wee bit disproportionate to their bodies too! They're just so cute! Those cute, wonder-filled people still like to snuggle.


Soon they grow into third graders.... Third graders still have a lot of wonder, but their "little kid" ways are leaving....

I'm holding onto my little one for as long as I can. But, it's obvious to me that she's soon to be a third grader...

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